
*グレープフルーツ&ティー* ケニア Kenya Mt.Elgon KUTERE コーヒー豆100g

¥600 税込


Kenya Mt.Elgon KUTERE


Black Tea, Orange, Grapefruit, Dried fruit, honey

国 ケニア
生産地方 Bungoma
生産地区 Mt. Elgon
標高 1500m
農園面積 average farm size per farmer is 0.5 acre. Total active farmers are 1448. Thus average farm size=724 acres
グレード AB
精製方法 Wet Processing


Farmers in Kikai planted their first coffee trees in 1959. The Cooperative has 2 wet mills
namely Kikai and Kutere. The Cooperative is located within Namwela division, on the
Southern slopes of Mount Elgon and lying at the Kenya- Uganda border.
It is managed by an elected board of 9 members with Jimmy Simbi as the chairman and
Sospeter Wanjala as the secretary. Currently the Cooperative has 12 permanent members
of staff who are headed by a Secretary Manager. The Secretary Manager oversees the day
to day running of the Coop under the supervision of the board.
Kikai cooperative supports a total of 3121 farmers from the 2 wet mills.

Kutere washing station is located in the Mt. Elgon region, Bungoma county. It was
established in 2011. Currently, Kutere is in the process of dissociating from its mother
cooperative Kikai to stand on its own. It supports a total of 500 members consisting of
farmers cultivating coffee on farms sitting along the slopes of Mt Elgon. The coffee farmers
are averagely small ranging from 4 to 8 acres.

The red volcanic soils of Mt. Elgon region make coffee farming most suitable. The coffee
varieties mainly grown in the area around Kutere are K7, Batian, Ruiru 11 and Sl 28.

2020 249, 366.20
2021 687, 294. 00

At Kutere washing station, All the coffee cherry is hand-picked in clean bags and delivered
on the same day to the washing station, where it undergoes sorting removing underripe
berries, overripe, buni and other foreign materials. Coffee cherry is then pulped.
At Kutere, the echo pulper machine is used in pulping and removal of mucilage. Echo pulpers
are high pressure machines that remove skins from the coffee beans. With echo pulpers, the
cost of pulping coffee is significantly reduced since the machine cuts out on the
fermentation stage and uses very little water for the process saving on water and
fermentation costs which include labor.
After pulping, parchment is then directed to the receiving steel bet where any remaining
mucilage mixed with the parchment is washed off then soaked overnight to improve quality
in preparation for transportation to the drying beds.
At the drying beds, workers then rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying. They
cover the drying parchment during the hottest time of day, to maintain slow and even drying
and at night, to shelter parchment from moisture.

Kutere farmers receive technical agronomic support from Sucafina Kenya. Through a team
of agronomists recruited by Kahawa Bora, farmers are able to receive advisory services and
trainings on good agricultural practices in coffee farming. They also receive soil sampling
from Kahawa Bora. Through the soil sampling program, they are able to access the right
recommendations on correct input application which translates to healthier trees and
quality cherry.

Farm Name: Kutere Factory
County: Bungoma
Coffee Varieties: Sl 28, Ruiru 11, K7, Batian
Flower Season: January to March
Harvest Season: April to June | July to November
Annual Rainfall: 400 to 1800 mm annually
Altitude: 1500m Above sea level
Temperature: 35-36°C

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¥600 税込
